I think this game is awesome its got this sorta dungeon raid world of warcraft vibe with a old school set up which i thought was grand so overall i say its a job well done :0) HoNk
I think this game is awesome its got this sorta dungeon raid world of warcraft vibe with a old school set up which i thought was grand so overall i say its a job well done :0) HoNk
even though at first sight it seems too simple its actually fun and it gets harder, something I really like about this game is the vast amount of different character such as evil minions that you have to fight because then theres this thing that its always something new and you want to keep playing to "get deeper" and see what you find xd.
I installed this, played it a little (found it a little dull but you never know) then forgot about it. Today I received a push notification: ...was too scary for you. Good luck with your life. Really? They may have been trying to be cute, but this snarky push notification was flat out rude.
Excellent decision bringing the game out of freemium to a premium experience and I sincerely hope it works out. Games tuned for fun after an up front fee are so much more enjoyable and worthy of time than free games tuned to frustrate and encourage additional spending. I really enjoyed this game and it was exactly this problem that led me to stop playing. Now Im back to exploring the deep, doomy dungeon.
Great to see a Dev shift away from freedom! Hope others follow.
Most recent update seems to be a dev version of the game.
This game reminds me of going to the arcade simply plunking quarters away trying to finish just one more dungeon. Long ago as a kid I decided I didnt want to pay per play anymore and now as an adult hopefully more developers like this will decide that low fees upfront are better than constant tiny fees throughout the game. Most importantly to me though is not to get halfway through the game and find out I have to plunk down a dollar or $20 or $100 or whatever insane amount just keep playing.
(Yes, it does say on the menu screen that this is a development version. Not sure if intended, but it has that text and numbers) Just downloaded the update. Restarted the game multiple times. Phone has sound, but this game just doesnt have sound for some reason. After reinstalling of the game sound is on again. Very nice game.
DDoD is a lovely little minimalist dungeon crawler. Its one of those perfect on-the-toilet kinds of games for when youve got 5 minutes to kill! I always thought it looked interesting, but "free-to-play" payment models are a huge turnoff for me. With the recent update removing all the in-app purchases and rebalancing the game accordingly, I jumped at the opportunity. Money well spent so far!
Simple to learn, hard to master; this unique take on dungeon crawling is a breath of fresh air on my iPad. The foreboding atmosphere, awesome pixel art, and catchy tunes are worth giving this game a try. But the three playable characters, multitude of upgrades, and stacks of equipment are what really keep me coming back. At times it can get a little repetitive (lots of grinding), but the random item drops, mini-missions, and unlock-able secrets help to mix things up a bit.
They need to add "lite" to the title. Game ends abruptly unless you pay. This is a demo. Fun until then.
This is one of the few games on iOS that is both simple and actually challenging. The developers have struck a nice balance. When it was first released, I had a lot of fun with it but was very frustrated when I ran into a pay wall. Like many others, I prefer to just pay a few bucks a have an entire game - I hate being nickle and dimed for each little bit of content. Now that the pay wall is gone, You can actually play through the game and have a great time. Excellent choice by the developers!
Heard about this game removing IAP and decided to give it a go. Fun basic mechanics that are actually quite hardcore, very timing focused. Your abilities are based on hear and a level up tree, but its definitely a challenge to earn enough cash. Recommended for people who enjoy a challenge.
This game is no longer free? Could have implemented all updates and bug fixes without having to make players pay for it. What a shame.
So heres the story; I couldnt sleep at all last night. I have been playing the Wolfenstein RPG for the last few days and wanted to try something different. So while I was looking for the DOOM2 RPG, I happened to stumble across this game at around 1:30 am. It is now 9:30 am. I am thoroughly addicted. The simple controls make it easy to pick up and play, but the depth involving combat, equipment and careers make it difficult to master. I personally have been loving it and only have the Crusader, the Mercenary and the Witch. Then after playing for a while, I discovered ways to regain the Crusaders health, the Witchs mana, and deal extra damage with the Mercenary during combat by holding the attack button. Just another layer added to the game, making it even more fun! I highly suggest it to any RPG/strategy game fans!
Challenging, fun, and great pixel art. Simple to pick up but tough to master, with plenty of skills to increase replayability.
Ill come back to review the game, but I wanted to leave a five star review simply based on the fact that, despite catching my eye on release, I skipped this game because I did not feel like investing the time in another game with a frustrating paywall. Removing it was a great decision I will support with my dollar.
So heres the thing, I never write reviews for games..... BUT THIS ONE....... Im just speechless at how wonderfully retro and fun this game is. I can not even explain how amazing the soundtrack for this game is...... AND THE GAMEPLY MECHANICS....... One thing I have to say is dont hestitate to get this game, AND ITS FREE!!!!
I normally dismiss reminders to rate an app or hit "never" when given the chance. I wasnt in service, so I purposely hit "later" instead of "never". This app deserved a rating from me and I rarely rate things unless they are so godawful that I need to warn people about them or they are so good that I need to tell more than just my friends about them. This game needs more attention. It deserves it. It also needs a "donate" in-app-purchase option that awards nothing to the player. I had this game when it was fremium and thus I now have the full version without giving the devs a dime.
I avoided your entire library, of games, because of IAP. Now I am buying all, of your games. Maybe other game developers will see how destructive IAPS are, to the very heart, of the APP idea. You only have to look at the original ANGRY BIRDS & how much money they made off of a .99 game. Create a good game and it will sell itself without extra IAPS.